Eiffel Tower & Quai d'Orsay, Paris

Some of the bateaux mouches - the boats that tour the Seine - had flooded the buildings along the quai with their high beams ..... but everything was glowing anyway...as a clear Paris winter night approached.

This scene reminded me of some magic golden ocean liner going out to sea on a fantasy adventure. One could almost see steam coming from those towers! (The building to the left of the Tour Eiffel is the American Church of Paris.)

Here is a link to a wonderful series of old maps of the historic center of Paris, showing the development around the Ile de la Cite and Ile St. Louis from the 1400's to the 1800's.

[Les bateaux mouches avaient illumine le quai pour un tout petit moment. Mais la scene etait deja pleine de lumiere doree du coucher du soleil. Tout brillait et ces grandes formes me faisaient penser a un de ces enorme bateau comme le Titanic qui font des grandes traversees oceaniques. On pouvait presque voir la vapeur qui echappait des tours et entendre les gens a bord, qui fetaient leur premiere traversee.]
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