A Formal Conversation

French Dialogue · Formal speech · audio65 kb
A Formal Conversation Une conversation formelle
Two people--Monsieur Bernard and Monsieur Lambert--are meeting for the first time:
Monsieur BernardBonjour. Comment vous appelez-vous ?
Monsieur LambertJe m'appelle Jean-Paul Lambert. Et vous ?
Monsieur BernardMoi, je suis Marc Bernard. Enchanté.
Monsieur LambertEnchanté.

^ I (I is not capitalized in French (unless, of course, beginning a sentence))
^ Nice to meet you (lit. enchanted)

Vous vs. tu

This is an important difference between French and English. English doesn't have a singular and plural, formal version of "you" (although "thou" used to be the informal (arguably archaic) singular version in the days of Shakespeare).

In French, it is important to know when to use "vous" and when to use "tu".

"Vous" is a plural form of "you". This is somewhat equivalent to "y'all", "youse", "you guys", "all of you", except that it is much more formal than all but the example.

"Vous" is also used to refer to single individuals to show respect, to be polite or to be neutral. It is used in occasions when talking to someone who is important, someone who is older than you are, or someone you are unfamiliar with. This is known as Vouvoiement. Note the conversation between M. Bernard and M. Lambert above as an example of this use.

Conversely, "tu" is the singular and informal form of "vous" (you) in French. It is commonly used when referring to a friend and a family member, and also used between children or when addressing a child. If it is used when speaking to a stranger, it signals disrespect. This is known as Tutoiement.

As a rule of thumb, use "tu" only when you would call that person by his first name, otherwise use "vous". French people will make it known when they would like you to refer to them by "tu".


French Vocabulary · Formal speech · audio160 kb
Courtesy La politesse
PleaseS'il te plaît.(Lit: If you please.)
S'il vous plaît.(formal).
Thanks (a lot)Merci (beaucoup).
You're welcome.De rien.(Lit: Of nothing.)
Pas de quoi.(Lit: Not of what.) (No problem.)
Je t'en prie.shtahn pree (informal)
Je vous en priejzuh vooz ahn pree (formal)


French Vocabulary · Formal speech · audio99 kb
Titles Les titres

FrenchAbbr.PronunciationEnglish, Usage



Mr., Sir.




Mrs., Ma'am.




Miss, Young lady

Young ladies

Formal Lesson - Titles

The titles monsieur, madame, and mademoiselle are almost always used alone, without the last name of the person. When beginning to speak to a professor, employer, or generally someone older than you, it is polite to say monsieur, madame, or mademoiselle.

Asking For One's Name

French Vocabulary · Formal speech · audio110 kb
Asking For One's Name Demander le nom de quelqu'un
Comment vous appelez-vous?

Quel est votre nom?
How do you call yourself? (formal)

What is your name?
Tu t'appelles comment?What is your name? (informal)

(lit: You call yourself how?)
Je m'appelle...My name is... (lit. I call myself...)
Je suis...I am...

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