Asking for the time

French Vocabulary · Time · audio612 kb
Asking For The Day, Date, Time Demander le jour/la date/le temps
Asking for the time.
4aQuelle heure est-il ?What hour/time is it?kell er ayteel
4bQuelle heure il est ?kell er eel ay
5Il est [nombre] heure(s).It is [number] hours.eelay [nombre] er


In French, "il est" is used to express the time; though it would literally translate as "he is", it is actually, in this case, equivalent to "it is" (impersonal "il"). Unlike in English, it is always important to use "heures" ("hours") when referring to the time. In English, it is OK to say, "It's nine," but this wouldn't make sense in French.

French Vocabulary · Time · audio145 kb
Time Le temps
Quelle heure est-il ?What time is it?
Il est une heure.It is one o'clock.
Il est trois heures.It is three o'clock.
Il est dix heures.It is ten o'clock.
Il est midi.It is noon.
Il est minuit.It is midnight.
Il est quatre heures cinq.It is five past four.
Il est quatre heures et quart.It is a quarter past four.
Il est quatre heures moins le quartIt is a quarter till 4.
Il est quatre heures quinze.It is four fifteen.
Il est quatre heures et demie.It is half past four.
Il est quatre heures trente.It is four thirty.
Il est cinq heures moins vingt.It is twenty to five.
Il est quatre heures quarante.It is four forty.

Times of Day

French Vocabulary · Time · audio618 kb
Times of Day L'heure relatif
le lever du jourdaybreak

lit:the rise of the day
le lever du soleilsunrise

lit: the rise of the sun
le soleil levantrising sun.
le matinmorning
...du matinA.M., lit: of the morning
hier matinyesterday morning
le midinoon, midday
l'après-midi (m)afternoon
le soirevening, in the evening
...du soirP.M. lit: of the evening
la nuitnight
le coucher du soleilsunset
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